TWIN BOOKS - A. Conan Doyle 1.0
**Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes. The Adventure of theSplecked Band / Sherlock Holmes. La aventura de la banda moteada**Con TWIN BOOKS podrás aprender y mejorar tu inglés de la formamás fácil y amena.Cada app incluye un cuento de un gran maestro de la literaturaen inglés en versión bilingüe, con el audio del relato en versiónoriginal. Haciendo click sobre las expresiones y términosdestacados en el texto podrás consultar la traducción enespañol.- SIN DICCIONARIO: gracias a la edición bilingüe, puedes leer sinnecesidad de consultar los términos o frases que desconozcas en eldiccionario- APRENDE DE FORMA NATURAL: sin aburridos ejercicios niobligaciones. Fija las estructuras gramaticales o descubre el usode los phrasal verbs mientras te diviertes leyendo- GLOSARIO: Aumenta tu vocabulario y aprende expresiones y fraseshechas- PRONUNCIACIÓN: mejora tu comprensión oral y descubre lapronunciación con la locución en versión original del cuento,realizada por profesores nativosDisfruta leyendo apasionantes relatos y practica tu inglés conlos mejores maestros posibles.Para descubrir toda la oferta de cuentos y autores de TWIN BOOKS,consulta la sección de “Otras apps” de la aplicación.** ArthurConan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes. The Adventure of the Splecked Band /Sherlock Holmes. The adventure of the speckled band **BOOKS TWIN you can learn and improve your English easier andenjoyable.Each app includes a story of a great teacher of literature inEnglish in bilingual version, with audio narration in the original.Clicking on the highlighted terms and expressions in the text youwill see the Spanish translation.- WITHOUT DICTIONARY: thanks to the bilingual edition, you can readwithout consulting the terms or phrases in dictionarydesconozcas- LEARN NATURALLY: not boring exercises or obligations. Fixedgrammatical structures or view the use of phrasal verbs whilehaving fun reading- GLOSSARY: Increase your vocabulary and learn expressions andidioms- PRONUNCIATION: improve your listening and pronunciation discoverthe phrase in the original version of the story, performed bynative speakersEnjoy reading exciting stories and practice your English withthe best possible teachers.To discover the entire range of stories and authors of TWIN BOOKS,see section "Other Apps" application.
Genius Cinema Quiz 1.0
Who was the star of 'One Flew over theCuckoo's nest'? Did you know that the phrase “Play it again Sam”,one of the most famous phrases in the history of cinema, is notactually said in Casablanca? How many Oscars did "The Silence ofthe Lambs" win?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius –Cinema!Test your knowledge and discover the easiest and funniest way oflearning about the history of the ‘Seventh Art’, from the Lumièrebrothers to the latest 3D movies, including films such as Psycho,Singin' in the Rain and Titanic. Films, actors and actresses,soundtracks, directors and curious facts, show that you are a real‘cinephile’ and that the history of cinema has no secrets foryou.For each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanation rich in information that will allow you to become anexpert in the matter.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere ‘Popcorn Eater’ and asnwer the questionscorrectly so you become a real ‘Film Critic’With Genius – Cinema, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius World History Quiz Lite 1.1
Who was the "heretic pharaoh", husband ofNefertiti? Did you know that at Thermopylae only 299 Spartans died,not 300? How long did the Hundred Years War actually last? When wasthe declaration of independence of the American colonies issued?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius – WorldHistory!From the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt to theXXth Century, passing through ancient Greece, Rome, the Middle Agesor modern history.Answer the questions correctly and discover the most importantperiods and civilizations in the history of mankind. For eachquestion, there is a clear and comprehensive explanation rich ininformation that will allow you to learn history while havingfun.• A trivia game to test your knowledge• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere ‘History student’ and answer the questioncorrectly so you become a ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’With Genius – World History, learning becomes a game.
Genius World History Quiz 1.0
Who was the "heretic pharaoh", husband ofNefertiti? Did you know that at Thermopylae only 299 Spartans died,not 300? How long did the Hundred Years War actually last? When wasthe declaration of independence of the American colonies issued?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius – WorldHistory!From the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt to theXXth Century, passing through ancient Greece, Rome, the Middle Agesor modern history.Answer the questions correctly and discover the most importantperiods and civilizations in the history of mankind. For eachquestion, there is a clear and comprehensive explanation rich ininformation that will allow you to learn history while havingfun.• A trivia game to test your knowledge• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere ‘History student’ and answer the questioncorrectly so you become a ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’With Genius – World History, learning becomes a game.
Genius US History Quiz Lite 1.0
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson bought NewOrleans (and the whole of Louisiana) from France for 68 millionfrancs? Which was the Civil War’s bloodiest battle? Who refused tosurrender her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 sparkinga bus boycott?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius – USHistory!Test your knowledge and discover the easiest and funniest way oflearning about American history. From the landing of the firstsettlers who arrived on the Mayflower to Watergate: the War ofIndependence, the conquest of the Far West, the Civil War, theGreat Depression and the World Wars, ... the events and keycharacters that have made the United States of America the countryof reference and the greatest power in the world.• Colonial and revolutionary period• The Young Republic• Western Expansion and Civil War• Inmigration and Industrialization• World Wars• Cold War and Civil RightsFor each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanation rich in information that will allow you to become anexpert in the matter.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you get to be a “State Senator”With Genius – US History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius US History Quiz 1.0
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson bought NewOrleans (and the whole of Louisiana) from France for 68 millionfrancs? Which was the Civil War’s bloodiest battle? Who refused tosurrender her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 sparkinga bus boycott?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius – USHistory!Test your knowledge and discover the easiest and funniest way oflearning about American history. From the landing of the firstsettlers who arrived on the Mayflower to Watergate: the War ofIndependence, the conquest of the Far West, the Civil War, theGreat Depression and the World Wars, ... the events and keycharacters that have made the United States of America the countryof reference and the greatest power in the world.• Colonial and revolutionary period• The Young Republic• Western Expansion and Civil War• Inmigration and Industrialization• World Wars• Cold War and Civil RightsFor each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanation rich in information that will allow you to become anexpert in the matter.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you get to be a “State Senator”With Genius – US History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius British History Lite 1.0
What was the nickname of Oliver Cromwell’scavalry? Did you know that at the battle of Hastings William’s armycarried a special flag given to them by the Pope? What battle didWinston Churchill describe as “the end of the beginning”?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius – BritishHistory!Test your knowledge and discover the easiest and funniest way oflearning about the history of the United Kingdom. From Stonehengeand the Picts to Margaret Thatcher, go step by step through thehistory of the country that was the origin of modern parliamentsand democratic regimes and that built the most powerful navalempire and was the cradle of the industrial revolution.• From prehistory to the Norman conquest• Medieval Britain• Tudor Britain• Stuart Britain• Britain on the World Stage (1702-1837)• Victorian Britain• Britain in the 20th CenturyFor each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanation rich in information that will allow you to learn aboutBritish history while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere 'Longbowman' and answer the question correctly soyou become a “Lord Mayor of London”With Genius – British History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius History Quiz 1.1
Who was the "heretic pharaoh", husband ofNefertiti? Did you know that at Thermopylae only 299 Spartans died,not 300? On what occasion did Julius Caesar utter the phrase "aleaiacta est"? How long did the Hundred Years War actually last? WhichGeneral led the army of the Southern States of America during theCivil War?If you think you know all about the history, prove it with thequizzes of Genius - History.From the earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt toWorld War II, passing through ancient Greece, Rome, the Middle Agesor modern history.Answer the questions correctly and discover civilizations and themost important periods in the history of mankind.• Test your knowledge• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you become a true Pharaoh, PrincepsSenatus or Absolute MonarchWith Genius – History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius Geography Quiz 1.0
Which is the most populated city in NorthAmerica? Did you know that the Atacama Desert is the most aridplace in the world, where sometime not even one drop of rain fallsin forty years? What city is the capital of Denmark?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius –Geography!Test your knowledge and discover the easiest and mostentertaining way of learning everything about the places andcultures of the world. Capitals, flags, rivers, mountains andlakes, travel across the five continents and the most extremeplaces of our planet and show that geography has no secrets foryou.For each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanation rich in information that will allow you to learn whilehaving fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere 'Tourist', and answer the questions correctly andbecome a real 'Explorer'With Genius – Geography, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius Quiz History of Rome 1.0
Which Carthaginian general, as a child, sworeeternal hatred for Rome? On what occasion did Julius Caesar utterthe phrase "iacta alea est"? What city other than Pompeii wasdestroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius?Show how much you know and learn with Genius - History ofRome!Discover how a small Latin village, over the centuries, became thegreatest empire of ancient times, defeating formidable enemies toconquer the known world.Answer the questions correctly and discover the key characters andevents in the history of ancient Rome, from its foundation to itsdecline and fall.• The foundation and the monarchic era• The Republic and the conquest of Italy• The expansion in the Mediterranean and the Punic Wars• The crisis of the Republic• The splendor of the Empire• Crisis and decline. The barbarian invasionsIn the answer to each question, you will find an explanationrich in interesting information that will allow you to learn aboutthe History of Rome while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you become a true Princeps SenatusWith Genius – History of Rome, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius Quiz Middle Ages 1.0
In which century did the Inquisition takeplace? Did you know the black plague of 1347 killed a third ofEurope's population? How long did the Hundred Years War actuallylast?Show how much you know and learn with Genius - Middle Ages!Discover the Middle Ages, from the dismal centuries of the DarkAges to the rebirth of cities, trade and culture in the EarlyMiddle Ages. An amazing period in history, full of contrasts andconflicts that have always fascinated us: the struggle between thechurch and the empire, feudal lords and serfs, inquisitors,crusaders and heretics, monasteries and universities.Answer the questions correctly and discover the key characters andthe decisive events in medieval history, one of the mostfascinating and enigmatic periods in history.• Barbarian Kingdoms and the emergence of Islam• The Carolingian Era and feudalism• Economic and urban recovery after Year 1000• The crisis of the Late Middle Ages• The power of religion• Art, philosophy, culture and daily lifeIn the answer to each question, you will find an explanationrich in interesting information that will allow you to learn aboutthe History of the Middle Ages while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you become a true Medieval KingWith Genius – Middle Ages, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Quiz Modern History Lite 1.1
In which year did Luther nail his famous 95theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral? What triggered theThirty Years War? Who crowned Emperor of France Napoleon?Show how much you know and learn with Genius - ModernHistory!In the four hundred years between the XVI and the XIX centuries,changes, innovations and revolutions took place that havepermanently changed the history of mankind: the geographicalexplorations, the protestant reforms, Galileo and Newton’sscientific revolution, political revolutions in England, France andthe United States.Answer the questions correctly and discover the key characters andthe decisive events that gave birth to the contemporary world.In the answer to each question, you will find an explanationrich in interesting information that will allow you to learn aboutmodern history while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you become a true Absolute MonarchWith Genius – Modern History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius British History Quiz 1.0
What was the nickname of Oliver Cromwell’scavalry? Did you know that at the battle of Hastings William’s armycarried a special flag given to them by the Pope? What battle didWinston Churchill describe as “the end of the beginning”?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius – BritishHistory!Test your knowledge and discover the easiest and funniest way oflearning about the history of the United Kingdom. From Stonehengeand the Picts to Margaret Thatcher, go step by step through thehistory of the country that was the origin of modern parliamentsand democratic regimes and that built the most powerful navalempire and was the cradle of the industrial revolution.• From prehistory to the Norman conquest• Medieval Britain• Tudor Britain• Stuart Britain• Britain on the World Stage (1702-1837)• Victorian Britain• UK in the 20th CenturyFor each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanation rich in information that will allow you to learn aboutBritish history while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere 'Longbowman' and answer the question correctly soyou become a “Lord Mayor of London”With Genius – British History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius Geography Quiz Lite 1.1
Which is the most populated city inNorthAmerica? Did you know that the Atacama Desert is the mostaridplace in the world, where sometime not even one drop of rainfallsin forty years? What city is the capital of Denmark?Show how much you know and learn with the quiz Genius–Geography!A trivia game with which to test your knowledge and discovertheeasiest and most entertaining way of learning everything abouttheplaces and cultures of the world. Capitals, flags,rivers,mountains and lakes, travel across the five continents andthe mostextreme places of our planet and show that geography has nosecretsfor you.For each question, there is a clear and comprehensiveexplanationrich in information that will allow you to learn whilehavingfun.• Test your knowledge• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a mere 'Tourist', and answer the questions correctlyandbecome a real 'Explorer'With Genius – Geography, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius Movies Quiz Lite 1.1
Are you a film lover? Do you knowalmosteverything about the greatest successes on the silver screen?Ifso, this quiz is made for you...LIGHTS...CAMERA... ACTION!With Genius – Movies show how much you know about the filmsthathave amazed, amused or thrilled us the most, from StarWars,Pirates of the Caribbean and Pulp Fiction to Madagascar,MoulinRouge and Notting Hill. Actors, directors, awards andcuriousfacts, the magic of cinema and its stars in a quiz withwhich youwill have fun while discovering new things.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Start as a ‘Camera Assistant’ and answer the questionscorrectlyso you become ‘Hollywood Star’With Genius – Movies, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius - Quiz Ancient Egypt 1.0
What was 'The Book of the Dead'? Did youknowthat in the construction of the pyramid of Khufu over2,000,000blocks of stone were used? Who was the "heretic pharaoh"husband ofNefertiti?Show how much you know and learn with Genius -AncientEgypt!Discover the secrets of the civilization that, thousands ofyearsago, built towering pyramids and monumental temples such asKarnak,Luxor and Abu Simbel, developed hieroglyphic writing andbecame themost powerful, rich and most feared kingdom of ancienttimes.Answer the questions correctly and step into one of themostfascinating, and at the same time the least known cultures ofthehistory of mankind.• Sumerians and the Old Kingdom• The Middle Kingdom. Assyrians and Babylonians• The splendor of the New Kingdom• Foreign dynasties and decadence• Art, culture and daily life• Egyptian religionIn the answer to each question, you will find an explanationrichin interesting information that will allow you to learn abouttheHistory of Ancient Egypt while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you become a true PharaohWith Genius – Ancient Egypt, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
Genius Quiz Modern History 1.0
In which year did Luther nail his famous95theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral? What triggeredtheThirty Years War? Who crowned Emperor of France Napoleon?Show how much you know and learn with Genius -ModernHistory!In the four hundred years between the XVI and the XIXcenturies,changes, innovations and revolutions took place thathavepermanently changed the history of mankind: thegeographicalexplorations, the protestant reforms, Galileo andNewton’sscientific revolution, political revolutions in England,France andthe United States.Answer the questions correctly and discover the key charactersandthe decisive events that gave birth to the contemporaryworld.In the answer to each question, you will find an explanationrichin interesting information that will allow you to learn aboutmodernhistory while having fun.• Test your knowledge with the trivia game• Learn with the detailed explanations for each answer• Share questions and answers with your friends• Excel in each level so you become a true Absolute MonarchWith Genius – Modern History, learning becomes a game.Discover it.
TWIN BOOKS - Jack London 1.0
**Jack London: The Mexican / El mexicano**Con TWIN BOOKS podrás aprender y mejorar tu inglés de laformamás fácil y amena.Cada app incluye un cuento de un gran maestro de la literaturaeninglés en versión bilingüe, con el audio del relato enversiónoriginal. Haciendo click sobre las expresiones ytérminosdestacados en el texto podrás consultar la traducciónenespañol.- SIN DICCIONARIO: gracias a la edición bilingüe, puedes leersinnecesidad de consultar los términos o frases que desconozcas eneldiccionario- APRENDE DE FORMA NATURAL: sin aburridos ejerciciosniobligaciones. Fija las estructuras gramaticales o descubre elusode los phrasal verbs mientras te diviertes leyendo- GLOSARIO: Aumenta tu vocabulario y aprende expresiones yfraseshechas- PRONUNCIACIÓN: mejora tu comprensión oral y descubrelapronunciación con la locución en versión original delcuento,realizada por profesores nativosDisfruta leyendo apasionantes relatos y practica tu inglésconlos mejores maestros posibles.Para descubrir toda la oferta de cuentos y autores de TWINBOOKS,consulta la sección de “Otras apps” de la aplicación.** Jack London:TheMexican / Mexican **BOOKS TWIN you can learn and improve your English easierandenjoyable.Each app includes a story of a great teacher of literatureinEnglish in bilingual version, with audio narration in theoriginal.Clicking on the highlighted terms and expressions in thetext youwill see the Spanish translation.- WITHOUT DICTIONARY: thanks to the bilingual edition, you canreadwithout consulting the terms or phrases indictionarydesconozcas- LEARN NATURALLY: not boring exercises or obligations.Fixedgrammatical structures or view the use of phrasal verbswhilehaving fun reading- GLOSSARY: Increase your vocabulary and learn expressionsandidioms- PRONUNCIATION: improve your listening and pronunciationdiscoverthe phrase in the original version of the story, performedbynative speakersEnjoy reading exciting stories and practice your English withthebest possible teachers.To discover the entire range of stories and authors of TWINBOOKS,see section "Other Apps" application.